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Led by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – – , the consortium of 10 partners
investigated the effects of cultural mediation with groups at risk of exclusion in three pilots
(Lisbon, Barcelona, Paris), and tested the effect of technology on social inclusion. It is the project
Memex that ran from 2019 to 2022. In total, the project collected 70 stories from more than
one hundred participants in the three pilots. These stories enrich our views on the
heritage and the cities of the interventions.
The Lisbon pilot of the Memex project –
lisbon -, coordinated by Mapa das Ideias – , worked with
migrants living in AML, developing heritage activities in Baixa Pombalina and the surrounding areas
Boundary. The most significant result for the participants was the reinforced feeling of
belonging to the city and increased self-esteem, measured in 37 interviews and observations
sociological studies in 19 working sessions.

The invitation to more than eighty migrants, showing them windows on history
of Lisbon and creating spaces for them to share their needs and perspectives, counted
with the support of almost a dozen local partners. Among these, the Academia de Produtores
Culturais was an integral partner in the project, collaborating with Mapa das Ideias since the beginning.
Besides supporting the recruitment of participants and being involved in project actions, the
Academia, drawing from its experience with the Todos Festival, supported the planning stages
of the actions, suggested strategies for integrating the participants, and helped think through the policies
of access and participation that would be integrated into the project.

Watch here the presentation of the pilot from Lisbon, and the words of Miguel Abreu, president of