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Invited by Turismo de Portugal, the Academia de Produtores Culturais has created the WORKSHOP ON ARTISTIC TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO TOURISM, a fundamentally practical workshop, conducted by a team of professional actors, presupposing the facilitation and development of soft skills through three artistic techniques – movement, voice, and improvisation – considering the respective framework with professional life, in this case, applied to the Tourism sector.


The workshop was developed in 2017, in 11 Schools of Hospitality and Tourism of the Tourism of Portugal, covering Dual Certification Courses (LEVEL IV) both as Technological Specialization Courses (LEVEL V).


Currently, the professional paradigm related to the exclusive valuation of technical competencies of professionals is practically obsolete. The labour market is more demanding and considers those who demonstrate only technical expertise to be insufficient. The working world tends to value professionals who also have social and behavioural skills, known as soft skills – “Soft skills are nothing more than attitudes and behaviours that facilitate relationships with others, improve job performance, and increase career prospects” (Santiago, Ana: 2014).