The Project É COMO É which aims to empower the youngest to differences through the arts, was presented to participating schools on October 11, 2021, at the Ludoteca of Évora, by promoters Sofia Duarte and Rita Guerreiro (Academia de Produtores Culturais) and the representative of the project in Évora – Inês Alves (National Association of Bone Dysplasias). This project lasts 20 months and will run from April 2021 to November 2022 with a target group of children between the ages of 7 and 8. These are 2nd year 1st cycle students attending public or private schools in the municipalities of Évora, Funchal and Câmara de Lobos (16 schools in total: 8 schools in Évora, 4 in Funchal and 4 in Câmara de Lobos).
Instagram: e.como.e.projeto